“The Physician’s highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy - to heal, as it is termed.”
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
“Homeopathy is from first to last an art of individualizing. We have to individualize patients, and individualize remedies.”
Dr. John Clarke
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For More Info

Homeopathic vs. Allopathic Approaches 

Symptoms are not the disease

The Principle of Similars

What is the Homeopathic Materia Medica?
How does homeopathic treatment work?

What are homeopathic remedies and how do they work?

How are remedies prescribed?

What are the remedies made from?

Are homeopathic remedies legal and federally regulated?

Links to Articles on Homeopathy and Homeopathic Research From Major Scientific Data Banks

Articles by George VithoulkasBTH_intro.htmlBTH_all_vs_hom.htmlBTH_sx_not_dis.htmlBTH_prin_sim.htmlBTH_materia_med.htmlBTH_Hom_Work.htmlBTH_remedies.htmlBTH_remedies.htmlBTH_rem_rx.htmlBTH_rem_source.htmlBTH_legal.htmlBTH_legal.htmlBTH_legal.htmlBTH_research.htmlBTH_research.htmlhttp://www.vithoulkas.com/content/view/29/73/lang,en/http://livepage.apple.com/shapeimage_13_link_0shapeimage_13_link_1shapeimage_13_link_2shapeimage_13_link_3shapeimage_13_link_4shapeimage_13_link_5shapeimage_13_link_6shapeimage_13_link_7shapeimage_13_link_8shapeimage_13_link_9shapeimage_13_link_10shapeimage_13_link_11shapeimage_13_link_12shapeimage_13_link_13shapeimage_13_link_14shapeimage_13_link_15

© 2009 Dr. Peter J. Prociuk, M.D. All Rights Reserved

About Homeopathy