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© 2009 Dr. Peter J. Prociuk, M.D. All Rights Reserved


Bachelor of Science: May, 1975 
University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Doctor of Medicine: May, 1981
University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Internship/Residency in Internal Medicine: 1982-1985
Presbyterian Medical Center, Philadelphia

Licensed in Pennsylvania: September, 1983

Diplomate (Board Certified) American Board 
of Internal Medicine: September, 1985

 Patient Testimonials 

“I have long used homeopathic remedies prescribed by Dr. Peter Prociuk, a man so gifted in his field.”   page 227

“To Dr Peter Prociuk, for all your help, advice and support.  You have been amazing.”    page 312

From Finding Sarah 

                       Sarah Ferguson,  The Duchess of York

I had suffered miserably for years with chronic sinusitis and sinus headaches. After years of taking drugs that only offered temporary help with all the usual side effects - I had given up. Out of desperation I thought I would try alternative medicines. While searching in a local health food store for a neti pot, the store clerk recommended that I see Dr. Prociuk. I felt I had nothing to lose. During my first appointment, he sprinkled a remedy in my mouth and there was an instant clearing in my left sinus, followed by a slower draining of the right sinus. All this without any side effects! Today, I’m happy to report that not only are my headaches gone - but so are a lot of my fears. Of course, I am truly thrilled as I thought I’d have to suffer for the rest of my life. I had no idea homeopathy would have this much of a positive effect on me and I truly thank Dr. Prociuk for his wisdom and caring. I have told all my friends about Dr. P and am happy to write this testimonial. 
Alicia W. 

Hello Dr. P. and Heather, A few months ago I offered to write a testimonial for your website. It is attached. This was really hard for me to do because I still can’t believe that my boys are healing. I’m incredibly emotional about it and writing this brought it all to the forefront as I sit hear crying. With that said, I invite people to read this testimonial so it can be shared in order to help others in a positive way: I’ve always dreamed of and deserve thanks to Dr. Peter Prociuk! 

In September 2002, my first born son began elementary school and life was good. A bright and happy little boy eager to learn and make friends. The new structure of getting ready for school and doing homework was challenging, but I figured this was normal and he would make the adjustment in a month or two. I found out differently at the parent / teacher conference just before Thanksgiving. The teacher informed my husband and me that our son was the MOST disruptive student in her class. We were shocked and horrified. She insisted on putting him on a discipline chart with punitive outcomes if he did not improve. This kicked off two years of heartache trying to modify the behavior of our son to make it in first and then second grade. By third grade we got some relief when a sympathetic teaching suggested that our son’s behavior was involuntary and he should be tested for a “learning difference”. At first I was overjoyed to be getting some answers, but the medication regime for my son was intimidating with a black box warning label on his prescription and a severe loss of appetite, crashing symptoms after school and sleepless nights. The only thing worse than this experience was finding my younger son in the exact same situation when he entered first grade in 2005. With two sons on different meds and a variety of side effects, my life was a mess. I worried about their weight and lack of growth as an immediate consequence of the drugs not to mention the long term effects which were debatable depending on who you asked. Life was not smooth sailing at home either because the meds wore off and the children were irritable and very high maintenance. This went on for three more years. 

Enter Dr. Prociuk in September 2008. I was referred to him by a close friend who knew I was extremely concerned about my youngest son showing no weight gain or height gain in the year between his 9th and 10th birthday. I was frantic and felt I had to find an alternative approach that didn’t reduce his appetite. I read a book called, “The Four A’s”, recommended by the Dr. and set up an appointment for the entire family. Dr. Prociuk conducted a painstaking interview with each of my boys separately and with me and my husband. He asked a lot of interesting questions and I had no idea where the interview was heading. He recommended a homeopathic remedy for each boy and told us to give it a few weeks and take note of any differences in their behavior at school and home. I worked with their teachers to track and there was a noticeable improvement. 

We set up a second appointment with the doctor during which he again assessed each of my children with great detail. My husband and I described some particularly pressing issues regarding the children’s behavior at home and the doctor tweaked the remedies and sent us off for another month of monitoring. The tweak was a home run for our older son who was able to stop taking his prescription medication as a result. Our younger son needed one more adjustment which was simply a dosage change and he came off the drugs too. 

I now have two healthy GROWING sons 12 and 10 who have been flourishing in school without the side effects or time limitations of their former medicine regime. They get ready for school on their own, do homework, projects, eat well and are consistent in their behavior which is right in the norm. I got back my mornings, evenings and weekends which were previously consumed with managing their every move and keeping them separated to keep the peace. 

I am committed to their homeopathic remedies which Dr. Prociuk says should continue until the summer and then they will be healed. It has been almost 9 months since we met with the doctor for the first time and I still can’t believe this is happening. I always hoped and prayed for a solution to what was troubling our family but didn’t really expect it to come. 

I’m so glad I met Dr. Prociuk. He has saved us and I highly recommend that any family with a child who has Allergies, Asthma, ADHD or Autism see him and be evaluated. It could change your life. 
Donna, Bucks County, April 09’

Dear Dr. Peter,
I usually don’t write much so please excuse any mistakes. I wish to
send my thanks and gratefulness to you for looking after my family over the years. My wife and I have reached our golden years without much trouble and we believe that you have helped us to do that. Your kindness, wisdom and personal care to our health have been a blessing. 
Have a wonderful holiday.
Doug, Chester County 

“Dr. P,
It was great to meet you on Monday. Austin had a very positive reaction to the treatment and was off all inhalers by Wednesday. He was already 80% better the night of his visit with you. I am thrilled to have him off his inhalers and to meet a doctor with your skill and beliefs. I want to bring in my daughter for her allergies.” 
Mary Anne B.

“I was a skeptic that homeopathy could work years ago. My younger siblings who are far more free-spirited that I espoused homeopathy earlier than I did. I thought they were a bit nuts. However, I had heard about Dr. Prociuk from a physician’s client whose wife was not able to get pregnant. She wasn’t ovulating. They had consulted some fertility specialists, I think, but it was Dr. Prociuk who treated her successfully and she gave birth to twins. So, several years ago I consulted Dr. P for various symptoms I was having. First he prescribed a constitutional remedy which did no good at all. I called him a few days later and he prescribed another constitutional remedy, which had a very strong positive effect – and over the years he has modified the potency of the remedy. I have referred several people to Dr. P over the years – sometimes people I don’t know. I have gotten very positive feedback from others that Dr. Prociuk has achieved amazing results for them as well.”
Laura S.

“Peter is one of the more incisive diagnosticians that I have encountered in my extensive exposure to alternative and conventional western medicine practitioners. 

He is a throwback to that rarified breed of doctor who can listen acutely to the patient’s symptoms and then further his understanding by asking just the right questions in order to further his knowledge and pinpoint “what is going on with this person. 

Too bad more people don’t have first hand exposure to him”. 
Paul G.

“My husband and I were first introduced to homeopathy while we were in seminary down in Texas in the 1980’s. When we moved up to Pennsylvania we had a very difficult time finding a doctor who practiced traditional, classical homeopathy. Our first visit with Dr. Prociuk was in March of 1993. I am so grateful and my family has benefited from that over and over. 

From childhood mishaps to regular, everybody’s diseases, Dr. Prociuk has used homeopathy to help us stay healthy and often avoid the annual flu and colds that go around. He has taught me to observe and report symptoms without too much fluff. I have always appreciated his ability to ask the questions that get to the real problem, so I don’t spend too much time focussing on insignificant things. I tend to over-commit myself and my time when I see needs. As a result, I recently had the second sinus infection of my life. Having used antibiotics on the first one, I am thankful to be able to have dealt with this second infection under Dr. Prociuk’s care, using only traditional, classical homeopathy. I was able to write emails to Dr. Prociuk, knowing that when he had enough information to make a wise decision he would contact me with instructions. This experience has given a whole new picture to the idea of the family doctor who makes house calls. 

I am extremely thankful for traditional, classical homeopathy and for Dr. Prociuk’s sensitive practice of it.” 
Patricia G.

“My son and I are patients of Dr Prociuk (Dr. P). We have been seeing him for 6 years now. We were introduced to homeopathy when my son, Trevor, was diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy (kidney disease). At the time of Trevor’s diagnosis, they said he has around two years before he would be in end stage of renal failure. Trevor was 10 years old then.

We went the traditional treatment of ‘high pulse’ steroid treatments. It was an every-other-day low dose steroid followed by every 8 weeks of a high dose steroids given intravenously for 3 days straight. The steroids were destroying my son’s immune system, leaving him basically on his deathbed. 

I had done some Internet searches and found a support group for IgA where the treatment plans was homeopathy. I became very interested in it after reading testimonials related to IgA suffers. That’s when we went to see Dr. P. 

Trevor was a very sick kid. He had been for most of his life, even prior to being diagnosed with IgA. So when we cam to see Dr. P, he really had a challenge ahead of him. When we left AI Dupont hospital for Dr. P, the doctors at the hospital said my son was doomed. Well, Trevor has been seeing Dr. P for 6 years now and while his IgA is still there, his overall health and immune system has improved incredibly. When Trevor was sick, he wasn’t growing or eating. He is now 17 years old, 6 feet and eating like a caveman! And when he gets a cold, he now handles it like a normal child. I attribute all of this to the care of Dr. P and the treatments with homeopathy. I am also being treated – when needed – by Dr. P. I haven’t used an antibiotic in about 5 years now. 

As far as Dr. P himself, he takes a personal interest in all of his patients. He is personable, knowledgeable and serious about his practice. He is very responsive. Whenever I have a question, I just send him an e-mail and he responds almost immediately. If the question requires a phone call, he takes the time to call. When he first started treating Trevor, Dr. P had a vacation planned. He was so concerned about my son that he gave me a number to reach him on vacation. Most doctors would have said to call the doctor on call!
My family is a much healthier family and we thank Dr. P for his contribution to our well being!”
Eileen D.

Michael S. – 10 yrs. old
“We have been seeing Dr. Prociuk since Michael was six years old. Because we had previously chelated Michael, Dr. P recommended the MMR nosode and sure enough, six weeks later, he had a diffuse rash on his chest. We noticed better eye contact, better bowel movements and increased awareness. We then started Michael on Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) Zeolite and a product called NDF Plus with lots of improvements. The office is very relaxed and comfortable. Dr. Prociuk attends many DAN Conferences and we feel confident with his knowledge and recommendations.” 

“When our son was diagnosed with PDDNOS, a high functioning autism, we were told that there was no cure for it. We were devastated and did not know where to turn for help. We were told from the medical field that he would be autistic the rest of his life. We searched the Internet and found Dr. Prociuk on the DAN website. After meeting with numerous doctors, we chose Dr. Prociuk over other professionals. Dr. Prociuk suggested a homeopathic remedy for him and immediately we saw changes in his behavior. With Dr. Prociuk's recommendations over a three-year period, we saw a lot of positive and amazing changes. Over time we saw many improvements regarding his health, eye contact, energy level, attention span, clarity of speech, and interaction. Dr. Prociuk was one of the main reasons for our son's changes along with Diet and One to One Intervention. He now leads a normal childhood and tends a regular elementary school without any assistance or aids. He also plays on a little league sports teams. We firmly believe that Dr. Prociuk truly cared and wanted to help us and our son. We are so grateful to Dr. Prociuk regarding his involvement in changing our son's life forever. We will continue to recommend Dr. Prociuk's practice to others.” 
C. M.
Central PA 

“In the spirit of hope, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for all that you, Dr. Prociuk, have done for our daughter’s health in this past year. Your experience in Western and homeopathic medicines, as well as your intuition, patience, and dedication have given our precious little girl the best possible condition in an awful situation. We are hopeful that one day she will be able to lead a normal life. She is a happy child and has already come so far because of your care. Mrs. P, we would also like to thank you for ‘sharing’ your husband with his blackberry. Otherwise, we would have been quite helpless on many weekends and holidays. 
Blessings to both of you,”
Name withheld on request of the family

“Being the single mother of 2 boys has been challenging in many ways and I can’t thank Dr P enough for his consistent care and brilliant insight in regards to our health issues. Our family first started seeing Dr. P at the recommendation of another parent at the school that my boys attend. It’s now been over 7 years my boys have been treated by Dr P – whether it was colds, sprained ankle and now that they are teenagers – acne and teenage angst. His intuition, guidance and patience has made a huge difference in both of their developments...and I know that he is the only doctor that my sons trust. Dr P has truly been a gift in our lives!” 
M. Mc.

“Dear Dr. Prociuk:
In addition to sending you our annual family Christmas letter and card, we wanted to take a moment to write a special note to you. When you see the joy on our daughter’s face, we want you to know that we consider you to have been an integral part of bringing out that smile. When we met you, we had a child who was downtrodden and basically in constant pain. While we had seen glimmers of hope and on occasion a happy child, we feel that she had begun to feel so poorly so regularly, that we were losing her to something, and we didn’t know what, but we were terrified. As you know, she had been on all kinds of pharmaceutical medicines, all to no avail. We had a child who was underweight, and in so much GI distress that she’d rather starve than eat. As a result of her chronic health issues, she slept very poorly, was prone to meltdowns, and had lost the joy in living, and we had begun to lose the joy in parenting. When we met you, as a mom, I knew I had met someone very special. First, you listened. The concern you expressed for my daughter and for us as a family was genuine. Instead of belittling me as a mother, you felt my pain, and you knew that something was wrong. Within that one hour consultation, you offered me a lot of hope. You were very confident in your suggestions, and I felt reassured by that confidence. Instead of sending me away and telling me to appreciate the “beautiful shell of a daughter that I had,” you saw that something was in fact wrong, and you had a clear protocol as to how to proceed. Thanks to you and Ava’s regular doctor, we now believe that Ava sustained a terrible vaccine injury. We believe we had a healthy child at birth who deteriorated under the cold and one sized fits all model that has become modern day pediatrics. Now we have a beautiful and vibrantly healthy child, and as a result, a vibrantly healthy family. Ava actually announces to us on a regular basis how happy she is, and watching her feel so well physically brings tears of joy to my eyes. The remedies and supplements you’ve suggested have restored health and vitality to our child. While she isn’t fully healed, we know she is on the right path, and that she will continue to heal with your guidance. We appreciate your wisdom and your respect for our daughter and for us as her parents. Truly, there is no way to quantify or capture in words the difference you have made. As a mom, and as someone who holds a degree in child development from a prestigious university, I know where my daughter could have ended up had she not received the true medical help that she needed. Thank you for restoring my confidence in my gut instincts as a mother, and for helping to heal our child. 

With sincere appreciation,”
Monica, Rob and Ava Gorney



1985-1987: Teaching Staff Department of Medicine, Presbyterian Medical Center Assistant Director Intensive Care Unit, Presbyterian Medical Center

1987-1989: Attending Physician, emergency medicine, Presbyterian Medical Center Private Practice in Internal Medicine

1989-1996: Attending Physician: emergency medicine, Memorial Hospital, Paoli, PA

1992: Established part time practice in classical homeopathic medicine

1993-present: Full time practice in classical homeopathic medicine

2002-present: Integrating Defeat Autism Now! methods in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Professional Outreach

Extensive outreach throughout career, including speaking engagements at conferences, private organizations, talk radio, and producing and hosting a call-in radio show.

For more information on speaking engagements or interviews, please contact Heather Dietrich, Practice Manager at 610-701-5702.

© 2009 Dr. Peter J. Prociuk, M.D. All Rights Reserved