Dr. Simeon’s Weight Loss Protocol For several years I have offered my patients the Simeons Weight Loss Protocol. This highly effective fat loss protocol has been the preferred program of many highly-motivated patients who have desired to reduce stubborn body fat quickly and safely.
What is it?In a nutshell, British born Dr. F.T.W. Simeons worked over a 35 year period in a career devoted entirely to the study of obesity and weight loss. After years of study, he finalized his work in a paper called “Pounds and Inches”. When followed exactly - one can expect to significantly reduce body fat in the stubborn areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and upper arms that often fails to yield during other programs.
Is this program for you?The advantages and disadvantages listed below may be helpful in deciding if this program is for you.
Advantages:1) The reduction of fat in the stubborn areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and upper arms that often fails to yield to exercise and healthier food choices.
2) The correction of the metabolic imbalance creating abnormal fat accumulation which originates in the hypothalamus, and the establishment of a healthier relationship with food. An important benefit in patients who undertake this successfully is the awareness to more readily recognize when their legitimate nutritional needs have been satisfied and to stop eating at that point. This is an essential element in maintaining long term health. To my knowledge, no other protocol addresses this underlying physiological problem as directly.
3) This protocol involves a fixed period of time lasting up to 2 1/2 months during which the weight loss occurs.
4) Fat loss can be as much as 34 pounds dependent, of course, upon initial body fat and weight, and one’s medical condition. It is most striking as it comes off the stubborn areas readily and does not remove normal reserve fat.
5) Patients can be assured that the process is comfortably tolerated by the vast majority of people.
6) Long term benefits also include reduction in blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.
Disadvantages:1) Patients must be willing to inject themselves daily with an insulin syringe containing human chorionic gonadotropin -- a medication produced by pregnant human females. It is very safe for both sexes in the doses used. All patients are given an in-office demonstration ensuring all sterile and safety measures are met.
2) The diet and other restrictions during the injection phase must be very strictly adhered to. This can be monotonous.
3) A variety of individual issues can interfere with the weight loss including underlying illnesses and stress. These will be evaluated prior to starting the process and discussed with you.
4) Human chorionic gonadotropin is not FDA approved for weight loss. This is an off label use. Although there is a vast experience confirming the effectiveness of HCG in weight loss, the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) states unequivocally that there is no evidence supporting this use. It should be expected that the cost for this will not be covered by your insurance company.
5) There can never be a guarantee for an individual result.
6) As there is no ‘fixed’ maintenance program after the 2 1/2 months, one must implement their own long-term healthy lifestyle. This includes healthy food choices for your metabolic type, regular exercise and effective stress control necessary for long term health.
7) This is not to be considered a treatment for a specific disease or disorder.
How can I get started?Anyone who is seriously interested in this program may want to follow the below steps:
1) Read “Pounds and Inches” by Dr F.T.W. Simeons. It is available on-line or you can call the office and we will be happy to e-mail it to you.
*2) Undergo a preparatory period of 4-6 weeks prior to the injection phase. This may include the following:
a) Avoiding refined carbohydrates including anything made with white flour and sweets. Alcohol may be consumed in limited amounts. Caloric restriction beyond what is a reasonable daily need is not required. A guideline for this is to stop eating when your hunger is satisfied but not satiated.
b) Avoid eating after 7 pm. If this is not possible, snacks should be from vegetables, nuts, or a protein source.
c) Regulate bowel movements with a fiber supplement such as psyllium powder/husks. Fluid intake must be very liberal when taking this.
d) Reduce yeast in the gut by taking a combination of a daily probiotic such as three lac; caprylic acid 600 mg twice daily; and grapefruit seed extract 15 drops twice daily. It is estimated that up to 80% of the population has some degree of yeast overgrowth. This significantly interferes with many metabolic functions and contributes strongly to cravings for sweets.
e) Do a detox program. In my opinion, a good and simple detox method I recommend is taking
liquid zeolite.
*Note: The above recommended steps can be undertaken either before or after your evaluation consultation for this protocol. To book your first evaluation consultation, please call Heather at our main office number 610-701-5702.