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West Chester, PA 19380, USA

Phone: (610) 701-5702
(610) 701-4225

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Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that works on all levels simultaneously – mental, physical, and emotional. It is a therapy that has the power to radically alter your whole being and treat and cure symptoms of the body and mind.... from gout, eczema, menstrual disorders and fertility issues to depression and anxiety orders. Homeopathy is also used effectively in conjunction with other therapies such as acupuncture and chiropractic.

In general, it is much less effective or not effective in conditions where there is fixed structural pathology.  An example would be severe degenerative arthritis where the joint(s) are severely damaged.

Homeopathy has a significant role in both curative and preventative medicine.

Please call the office with any questions you have about your situation.

Homeopathic remedies are not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any specific disease.

What conditions can homeopathy treat?