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322 North High Street
West Chester, PA 19380, USA

Phone: (610) 701-5702
(610) 701-4225

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Homeopathic treatment is suitable for a wide range of conditions in every age group. In my practice, I have treated thousands of patients with all kinds of health issues over a period of seventeen years with a high degree of patient satisfaction.

This approach is a viable option for many common conditions, such as allergies, asthma, gastric and digestive conditions, skin disorders, sinusitis, candidiasis, menstrual disorders and fertility issues, headaches, anxiety disorders and other mental/emotional problems, to name some. Conditions that respond incompletely, or not at all, include those where an illness is truly dependent on conventional medicine (especially oral steroids or other immunosuppressive drugs and antibiotics), where there has been permanent structural damage to the tissues, where the patient has been seriously and chronically weakened by an illness, or when the illness is terminal. These are not, however, rigidly fixed criteria, and you are encouraged to email or call with any questions about your case.

It must, however, be stated that because homeopathic prescriptions are completely individualized based on the total symptom picture, and not a specific disease, it is stressed that homeopathy does not treat any particular disease. No homeopath can say, “I have cured migraine headaches or hypertension or any other disease.” It can only be said that homeopathy treats patients, not diseases. If the prescription is correct, the particular illness in that patient is very likely to improve along with their general level of health.

For general information, or to find out if a condition is appropriate for homeopathic treatment, prospective patients may e-mail questions to the link above, or call the main office number at 610-701-5702. Every effort will be made to respond to you within one to two business days.

Homeopathic remedies are not FDA approved for the treatment of any specific disease

What illnesses can you treat with homeopathy?